Metasploitable2 Walkthrough

For this walk-though I use the Metasploit framework to attempt to perform a penetration testing exercise on Metasploitable 2. I employ the following penetration testing phases: reconnaisance, threat modelling and vulnerability identification, and exploitation. Since this is a mock exercise, I leave out the pre-engagement, post-exploitation and risk analysis, and reporting phases. Set-up This metasploitable walk-through is performed in a virtual lab environment. Two virtual machines (VMs) are used. The first is a Kali VM and the second is the Metasploitable2 VM.

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Cross compile libpcap for Arm

This has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04.1 Desktop (64-bit), and assumes that arm-linux-gnuabi-gcc has already been installed, e.g. sudo apt-get install -y gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi Download the latest libpcap source tar ball from [], e.g. libpcap-1.8.1.tar.gz tar zxvf libpcap-1.8.1.tar.gz apt-get install flex bison byacc export CC = arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc ./configure –host=arm-linux –with-pcap=linux make Once the library has been compiled, it may be linked to other code, using the -L gcc flag and the location of the library.

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New Blog

I’d been using blogger for a while now, but found that the last couple of years had not bothered making and publishing notes to my blog as I normally did. Blogger also has has some weird formatting issues (because I cannot HTML). So I decided to migrate to a static blog. Before proceeding I decided to document a number fo requirements I would like addressed. Requirements Migrate to static web pages instead of CMS Easily update blog with short posts (to force myself to post regularly).

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PCAP or it didn’t happen

“PCAP or it didn’t happen” is a good network security philosophy. Theprimary idea being to capture network traffic for analysis. In anon-corporate environment where a CentOS-based Linux host has been usedas a dual homed firewall (refer to the lame ASCII art network diagrambelow), tcpdump was used for continuous traffic capture. _( )______ ________ +-----+ _( )__( Internet )---/ Router \----| F/W |----( DMZ )(____________) \________/ +-----+ (________)Firstly, we create a location to save the pcap files.

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host: * log# 2015/12/26 19:00 -> 19:40 (40min)# 2015/12/26 22:10 -> 23:50 (1hr 40min)# 2015/12/27 18:20 -> 18:40 (20min)# total time = 2hr 40min)* discovery - target* nmap --min-parallelism=100 -sP -T5* found:* discovery - services* nmap --min-parallelism=100 -A -T5 -p1-65535* found: port 22/tcp ssh, 3128/tcp squid, 8080/tcp ??* !!exploit-db did not reveal much* tried: nc -n -v 192.

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Error importing into Virtualbox

Open visualisation format (OVF) is an open standard for packaging anddistributing virtual appliances. Essentially this is meant to ensureportability of software and virtual machines across differenthypervisors, such as vmware, virtualbox, etc. However, I got an errorwhen importing an OVF file into virtualbox Version 5.0.12 r104815 “Host resource of type “Other Storage Device (20)” is supported withSATA AHCI controllers only, line 47.” Error reading "XXXXXX.ovf": Host resource of type "Other Storage Device (20)" is supported with SATA AHCI controllers only, line 47.

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host: * log# 2015/12/24 14:45 -> 16:30 (1hr 45min)# 2015/12/25 15:00 -> 17:45 (2hr 45min)# total time = 4hrs 30min* discovery - target* nmap --min-parallelism=100 -sP -T5* found target:* discovery - services* nmap --min-parallelism=100 -A -T5 -p1-65535* found ports: 80* enumerate port 80* wget* cat index.html* wget* wget http://192.

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set nobackup " do not save ~file set backspace=2 " backspace in insert mode like other editorsset cursorline " location of cursor shown as underscoresyntax on " syntax highlightingset number " line numbersfiletype indent on " activates indenting for filesset autoindent " auto indentingset si " smart indentset expandtab " use spaces instead of tabsset smarttab " use smarts when tabbingset shiftwidth=2 " 1 tab == 2 spacesset tabstop=2set softtabstop=2set textwidth=130 " wrap lines 130 chars, wide-carriage :)set hlsearch " highlight search resultsset incsearch " incremental search to move result while typingset showmatch " show matching brackets

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Metasploitable2 Walk-through

(This is an interim post and will be updated progressively. This notewill be removed once done.) This post extends the walk-though on the initial version ofMetasploitable at Itshould be noted that some commands and output may have been truncatedfor the purposes of brevity. Set-upThe set-up included two machines in a virtual test environment usingVirtualBox. The first was a Metasploitable virtual machine (VM) and thesecond a Kali 1.

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Setting up git

Git is yet another open source version control, and seems to be the toolof choice for contemporary coding mavericks. I still prefer svn and cvs,for centralised version control, but can appreciate why some projectsmay require distributed repositories as afforded by git. Setting up a central git repository on a server is easy. You basicallysetup a user, whose home directory is used to store the repositories,and allow access to people using keys, where the user retain theirprivate key and their public key is saved as an authorised key for thegit user account.

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