This is a continuation of the post on installing Snort 2.9 on CentOS 6.4( Thispost installs Barnyard2 on the host.
Barnyard is an output system for Snort. If effectively allows bettersnort performance by enabling Snort to produce binary output which isthen processed by Barnyard.
Barnyard processes the binary Snort output files (unified2 binary) andstores the processed data into a database back-end, for example MySQL.The advantage of using Barnyard instead of the database output fromSnort is that Barnyard is able to “cache” the data in case the databaseis unavailable.
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OSSEC is an open source host-based IDS that performs log analysis, andis able to correlate and analyse logs for a number of Linux (andWindows, but that is outside the scope of this blog post) servers. Thesoftware architecture of OSSEC and the use of agents, lends OSSEC toflexible deployment and management [1].
Set-up the Atomic repository that already has the appropriate OSSECpackages and install them would be the easiest way.
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CentOS 5.7 uses an older version of libpcap (0.9.4), but Snort’s DataAcquisition Library (daq) needs a newer version of libpcap (>=1.0.0).The latter is not an issue with the CentOS 6.0. Vishesh Kumar [1]provides an excellent instructions to getting Snort 2.9 to run on RHEL 5( purpose of this post is not to duplicate his efforts, but to extendit slightly to include instructions for a complete Snort set-up.
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