
host: * log# 2015/12/24 14:45 -> 16:30 (1hr 45min)# 2015/12/25 15:00 -> 17:45 (2hr 45min)# total time = 4hrs 30min* discovery - target* nmap --min-parallelism=100 -sP -T5* found target:* discovery - services* nmap --min-parallelism=100 -A -T5 -p1-65535* found ports: 80* enumerate port 80* wget* cat index.html* wget* wget http://192.

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Installing OpenVPN 2.2 on CentOS 6.3 64bit

This post is just an update of a previous post that used CentOS 5.7 andOpenVPN 2.2( basic instructions are the same, however this post uses some newerpackages which may have been relocated to new URLs. Again this blog andthe posts are mostly for my own reference and not intended asstep-by-step instuctions for other systems/network administrators Install RPMForge or RepoForge as it’s now known[1] wgethttp://pkgs.

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Installing OpenVPN 2.2 on Centos 5.7

OpenVPN is an SSL based VPN. There are other VPN solutions such asIPsec, etc. but OpenVPN provides a cost effective alternative. I likeOpenVPN as it support two-way authentication, i.e. both the client andserver authenticate using certificates. To install OpeVPN on CentOS weneed a number of cryptographic libraries. The simplest way is to use theDAG/RPMForge repository. Set-up the RPMForge repository [1], asthis contains the packages necessary for the installation and theinstructions are provided below.

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Installing OSSEC on Centos 5.7

OSSEC is an open source host-based IDS that performs log analysis, andis able to correlate and analyse logs for a number of Linux (andWindows, but that is outside the scope of this blog post) servers. Thesoftware architecture of OSSEC and the use of agents, lends OSSEC toflexible deployment and management [1]. Set-up the Atomic repository that already has the appropriate OSSECpackages and install them would be the easiest way.

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