While compiling a LaTeX document, a blank template of my PhD thesis to be exact, when I got the following error “! LaTeX Error: File `apacite.sty’ not found.” Again a quick search for Mac ports indicated that the texlive-bibtex-extra package was required. It was quickly installed using;
sudo port install texlive-bibtex-extra
Subsequent compile yielded more errors, this time it was “! Undefined control sequence. \abstract”. This was solved using the texlive-latex-extra package, installed using;
sudo port install texlive-latex-extra
Then adding the following to define the abstract in the book documentclass;
% Define abstract in book documentclass \pagestyle{empty} \newenvironment{abstract}% { \onehalfspacing% \null \vfill \chapter*{\centering Abstract}% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Abstract} }% {\vfill\null}
% Start the actual abstract \begin{abstract} \end{abstract}
More errors resulted “! Use of \@year@ doesn’t match its definition.” I had to add “\bibliographystyle{apacite}” to the bibligraphy page, and all was well once again.
See also
- Dog Training for Network Admins: Managing POODLE - CVE-2014-3566
- ! LaTeX Error: File `algorithm2e.sty' not found.
- Connecting to OpenVPN from a Mac using Tunnelblink
- Change Apple Mac OS X Software Update Service (SUS) address
- How to install Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) style for MiKTeK on Windows 7