
set nobackup " do not save ~file

set backspace=2         " backspace in insert mode like other editors

set cursorline          " location of cursor shown as underscore

syntax on               " syntax highlighting

set number              " line numbers

filetype indent on      " activates indenting for files

set autoindent          " auto indenting

set si                  " smart indent

set expandtab           " use spaces instead of tabs

set smarttab            " use smarts when tabbing

set shiftwidth=2        " 1 tab == 2 spaces

set tabstop=2

set softtabstop=2

set textwidth=130       " wrap lines 130 chars, wide-carriage :)

set hlsearch            " highlight search results

set incsearch           " incremental search to move result while typing

set showmatch           " show matching brackets
gvim  _vimrc  .vimrc  vimrc  vim 

See also