New new blog

Launched an updated version of the website. The previous version was version 5 which used custom HTML along with Hugo Go generated HTML. The transition to Version 5 happened in 2018.

Version 6

I’ve recently been encourgaed to go back to blogging and felt it was time to move to pure Hugo. Hence, the birth of version 6. Version 6 is purely Hugo Go generated and used the BeautifulHugo theme.

Previous posts were also migrated over from version 5 of the blogs section which were initially deployed using Google Blogger. Version 6 is a huge jump from the last post about 5-years ago.


One of the issues encountered as a result of the legacy migration was the previous embedding of raw HTML into the markdown. This was addressed by configuring the Goldmark render to render unsafe code. Since we are in complete control of the source markdown, the risk associated with enabling unsafe rendering is somewhat limited.

ignoreLogs = ['warning-goldmark-raw-html']
            hardWraps = false
            unsafe = true
            xhtml = false

See also