PicoCTF 2019


Picked character name, then walked to the computer, the text ‘Somebody changed my password’ appeared, walked out the door to

General Skills

The Factory’s Secret - Points: 1

There appear to be some mysterious glyphs hidden inside this abandoned factory… I wonder what would happen if you collected them all?

  • Fragment 1 - When exploing the first room, accidently happened upon a glyph
    • Manual review of inventory shows an image, which appears to be a fragment of a QR code
    • Inspect your swords\nElements of fire\nHome of hearth\nPage and squire
  • Fragment 2 - Went into web exploitation door
    • Navigated past the computer into the door through the top
    • Moved the boulder into the lava and accessed hidden door through the bottom
    • Collected the glyph
  • Fragment 4 - Went into the binary exploitation door
    • Didnt find anything, and gave up for days, then returned and continued to go through alternating red and blue door, until music intensified and yellow door appeared
    • Entered yellow door and collect the fragment
  • Fragment 5 - Went into the forensics door
    • Moved around and explored the room, until I spotted waves in the top left hand corner of the room
    • Approached the waves and collected the fragment
  • Fragment 3 - Entered the cryptography door
    • Manually inspected each grave stone until I got to the fifth one across from the left in the right hand plot in the sixth row from the bottom

Lets Warm Up

If I told you a word started with 0x70 in hexadecimal, what would it start with in ASCII

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