Pen Test Assessment

Penetration Test Assessment

A penetration test assessment was a requirement of a short cource on Penetration Testing from the Charles Sturt University. As part of the assessment, students were provided an ova image of a virtual machine. The virtual machine was to be the target of a penetration test, and students were expected to obtain flags for submission. A walkthrough of the assessment is presented here.

For the benefit of other students, the names and values of the flags have been redacted, and replaced with the string REDACTED

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Ansible for Virtualbox Virtual Lab

This post is about getting an Ansible control node configured on an Ubuntu VM within Virtualbox to be able to rapidly stand up and deploy other virtual machines within Virtualbox for a virtual lab environment, along with some examples. Since this is a lab environment, and we are running ansible off a guest virtual machine within virtualbox, the closing of machines is outside the scope of this post and assumes that the machines are already installed and provisioned to be on the management network.

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