Pen Test Assessment

Penetration Test Assessment A penetration test assessment was a requirement of a short cource on Penetration Testing from the Charles Sturt University. As part of the assessment, students were provided an ova image of a virtual machine. The virtual machine was to be the target of a penetration test, and students were expected to obtain flags for submission. A walkthrough of the assessment is presented here. For the benefit of other students, the names and values of the flags have been redacted, and replaced with the string REDACTED

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Metasploitable2 Walkthrough

For this walk-though I use the Metasploit framework to attempt to perform a penetration testing exercise on Metasploitable 2. I employ the following penetration testing phases: reconnaisance, threat modelling and vulnerability identification, and exploitation. Since this is a mock exercise, I leave out the pre-engagement, post-exploitation and risk analysis, and reporting phases. Set-up This metasploitable walk-through is performed in a virtual lab environment. Two virtual machines (VMs) are used. The first is a Kali VM and the second is the Metasploitable2 VM.

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host: * log# 2015/12/24 14:45 -> 16:30 (1hr 45min)# 2015/12/25 15:00 -> 17:45 (2hr 45min)# total time = 4hrs 30min* discovery - target* nmap --min-parallelism=100 -sP -T5* found target:* discovery - services* nmap --min-parallelism=100 -A -T5 -p1-65535* found ports: 80* enumerate port 80* wget* cat index.html* wget* wget http://192.

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Metasploitable2 Walk-through

(This is an interim post and will be updated progressively. This notewill be removed once done.) This post extends the walk-though on the initial version ofMetasploitable at Itshould be noted that some commands and output may have been truncatedfor the purposes of brevity. Set-upThe set-up included two machines in a virtual test environment usingVirtualBox. The first was a Metasploitable virtual machine (VM) and thesecond a Kali 1.

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